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Vertical Downhill 9km

1,150m-   Friday, 28th March 2025

The downhill dash

You’ve asked for the Vertical Downhill and in 2025, we’re bringing it to kMR! After feeling the burn of Australia’s only Skyrunning certified Vertical Kilometre the last few years, it’s time to turn the tables, and run down kunanyi instead.

Start at the top of the mountain and soak up the incredible views (without any fatigue in your legs), before cruising (or crushing!) via the most direct downhill to the runHub to join the festivities there.

Register now! Course map Mandatory gear

Presented by:
Cascade Brewery

ISF Certified Course - VK

ITRA - 0 point

Course description

This is the only kMR event where you can get to the top of the mountain without any effort! Shuttle busses will take you up to the Pinnacle for the start of the run, and this is your chance* to soak up the views without any fatigue in your legs! (*weather dependent). Make sure you’ve got your jackets and beanies for this part!

Starting at the Pinnacle, you then head down through the alpine shrub along the historic Zig Zag Track (beautiful, fully stone track that’s had a makeover in last few years), with amazing views out to Hobart, Bruny Island and all the way up the Derwent Valley.

There’s a little bit of respite along the famous Organ Pipes Track. This is flowing and relatively flat, and don't miss the epic views of Hobart and beyond and the organ pipes above!

It’s then onto Upper and lower Sawmill tracks; this is excellent rock hopping territory. And you’ll keep going down. And down. And down!

There’s a little more respite along Middle Firetrail to catch your breath. And then there’s more downhill on the Upper and Lower Luge Tracks. You can definitely go fast here but try not to end up going feet first, like the tracks’ namesake!

You will then you pop out on Cascade Track and run out across the paddocks to finish at the runHub, in style. The place will be pumping with activity, and you can expect big cheers from other competitors checking in for Saturday’s races. Food and drinks will be flowing, and you’ll have arrived just in time for the Opening Ceremony, with the emotive Welcome to Country.


You can park at the Cascade Paddocks and pick up your bib at the runHub (there will be no bibs picked up at the start line at the Pinnacle. We’ll bus you up to the start line in the order of your start group. The finish line is at the runHub and you will arrive there in time for the Opening Ceremony.

Drop bags:
If you’d like a warm jacket and any other personal favourites waiting for you at the finish line, leave a drop bag with us at the runHub prior to the start. Warm clothes worn to the start will be brought back to the runHub.

We care about your safety whilst out there – check out the MANDATORY GEAR LIST here

Qualifying: No race qualifying needed. Minimum 16yrs age (with parent/guardian consent) unless by exception; contact run director.

Mandatory gear list


No, but have a good look at the maps and course description to assess if you’re up for the challenge of taking on a leg. If you’d like to know more about trail running before signing up, join the Hobart Trail Runners and come out to a few social runs. The friendly crew has heaps of knowledge to share! run a series of four 5-20km events over the year and is a great intro to trail running events on kunanyi as well as a serious challenge for more experienced trail runners wanting to push the pace.

Yes there is, please refer to our Junior Runner Registration Policies

No, go for it!

We’ve designed this so that runners should arrive at the runHub in time for the Opening Ceremony. If you finish during the Ceremony, the finish line will be closed and runners will be asked to finish at the runHub entrance. But if anyone looks like they might arrive much later, you might be asked to leave the course.

This is designed as a run, if you are looking for a walk, please register for the Mountain Walk 25km

Yes absolutely! We care about your safety and this mandatory gear will help you survive in the unlikely event of requiring a rescue.

kunanyi pinnacle is typically 10 degrees cooler than the city.

Check out the course on the Capra App for best spectator locations.

No, there are toilets at the start at the Pinnacle and the finish at the runHub. If you must go to the toilet on course, leave your run pack on the side of the track so sweepers do not leave you behind, dig a 15cm deep hole and fully bury, or carry out all waste.

There is a recovery station at the finish line at the runHub with  water, electrolytes, fruit, lollies, salty snacks, toilets, first aid, and of course, friendly volunteers!

Statistically, March is pretty much the most stable weather month of the year. But this is Tassie, and every few years or so it does snow on kunanyi on Christmas day - so be prepared for wild weather! The mandatory gear is specified for your safety. We will be providing some more guidance prior to the event on when and why to use the mandatory gear to keep you as safe as possible. We also have a professional wilderness event medical and emergency response team and first aiders at all aid stations and roving on course to assist you if required. There are extreme weather circumstances which would postpone the event, eg, extreme or catastrophic bushfire danger (Wellington Park is then completely closed to everyone), or Severe Weather Warning for damaging winds – no one wants a tree falling on them. Emergency services will be involved in all such decisions, and you will be notified at earliest opportunity of any course changes, or event postponements – which may be very late notice.

Not likely, and how cool is running in snow! Even if is a blizzard at the pinnacle, it’s likely that the runs will still go ahead, but would likely be re-routed to avoid alpine areas, and you will be notified at earliest opportunity of any changes.

If you need more info to enable you to register then please let us know! If you would like more info to prepare for your kunanyi run, we will be producing a detailed Festival Booklet ahead of the event – if your question can’t wait that long then no worries, go ahead and reach out here!

Course map

Download GPX file