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Ultra marathon (Solo) 66km

3,780m±   Saturday, 29th March 2025

The full epic

Experienced ultra-runners will enjoy tackling this beast of a route! The course involves climbing and descending almost 4,000m - the equivalent of three times up and down kunanyi/Mt Wellington - on often steep, technical tracks, as well as in alpine terrain. There are pre-qualifying conditions.

Register now! Course map Mandatory gear

Presented by:
Bulk Nutrients

UTMB 100k Qualifier

ITRA - National League

ITRA - 3 points

Course description

The Ultra 66km course has been described by many kMR runners as “trail running heaven”. It will see teams circumnavigate kunanyi and head down and up each valley! It features the famous Organ Pipes Track, with spectacular views down to nipaluna/Hobart, the kunanyi pinnacle plateau, technical single tracks through beautiful snow gums, as well as old growth eucalypts, rainforests, technical scrambling – and so much more! See the full course leg descriptions below:

The Solo course is the same as for the Ultra Team relay course, with 6 different legs (the last split into 5a and 5b). Check out the detailed course leg descriptions below (described for relay teams as well):

Pinnacle to Myrtle Forest | 12.0km | 320m ↑ | 1,040m ↓ |  Map

Off The Pinnacle and straight down Pinnacle Road for a couple of kilometres before heading off down Big Bend Fire Trail and over the back of the mountain, with views of the Collins Peak and the side of Sleeping Beauty. Turn on to the technical single track over Mt Connection through alpine marsh, snow gums, and the famous Tassie waratah. A short rock slab slide and flowing tight single trail brings you out on to East West Fire Trail and the climb up on to the shoulder of Collins Bonnet, before dropping down on the single track through old growth eucalypts and rainforest. Then it's down through a couple of creek crossings, and more waterfalls and ferns to the Myrtle Forest Aid Station.

If you like the alpine vegetation, epic views, a bit of exposure, and enjoy technical single track and a some descending - then this leg is for you.

Myrtle Forest to Mountain River | 12.4km | 570m ↑ | 930m ↓ |  Map

After a kilometre of flat to warm up, climb straight back up on single track through the rainforest, massive old growth eucalypts and waterfalls. Then it's back up to the snow gums and alpine scrub to climb Collins Fire Trail and the undulating East West Fire Trail, curving across Sleeping Beauty’s neck. Then the epic views down the Huon Valley and out to Bruny Island emerge, and you drop down the biggest descent of the run on Mountain River Trail – an old and rocky fire trail. Down, down, down it goes on the southern side of kunanyi; back through similar vegetation types except there aren't any old growth trees on this side – you may even see the stumps of the old giants and an old saw pit site of two. You’ll know your quads a little better after the 900 metre (straight down) descent, which pops you out on the gravel Mountain River road for a few kilometres, through the farming valley of Mountain River and to the aid station, located on a generous farmer's property.

This leg is for the downhill frothers! The diversity of landscapes, views, mountain and valley mean that those who run this leg will connect deeper with the mountain, its history and culture. It's a must-do leg for everyone once they get the downhill quads sorted!

Mountain River to Cathedral | 11.0km | 920m ↑ | 840m ↓ |  Map

Traversing farm land ridges on the foothills of Montagu Thumbs, sing to the cows and admire Sleeping Beauty to the north from whence Leg 3 came. At the Wellington Park boundary, it's time to climb the steep Old Montagu Trail through dry - then wet eucalypts - rainforest, and back up into the alpine scrub and snow gums. The trail is no longer passable to vehicles with some great scree and erosion gullies, but ATVs still make it up to Norris Hut! You’ll enjoy our track maintenance work (thanks to all the volunteers!) for the next while – the dense low beura bush was ‘fun’ to bash through just a couple of months ago. Then it's on to one of the most spectacular sections of the entire route, the single track of Montagu Thumbs traverse – a real skyrunning experience of sharp and exposed ridge line, with 360 degree views down the Huon, Channel, Bruny, South Arm, Kingston, the southern slopes of kunanyi with the NW Bay River below. Wellington Falls is also just out of view but you can see where it is by reading the terrain, and a little look back to Mt Montagu. The traverse is technical, scrambly, with a heap of short sharp ups and downs. It's also a little exposed to heights in parts. The traverse ends on top of Cathedral Rock, and then comes off the ridge line and bombs down the hill, on a steep single track then old fire trail - zig zagging all the way down to NW Bay River and the aid station on a wood carver's property.

This leg is for the more adventurous trail runner, who really likes scrambling around mountains and feeling the air space on both sides drop away. With equal parts of both solid climbs and descents, this is for the mountain goat.

 Cathedral to Fern Tree | 11.8km | 490m ↑ | 310m ↓ |  Map

Heading back up the Cathedral Rock track for a couple of kilometres, high-fiving the crew on the way down, you cross the NW Bay river bed and head up a short(ish…) steep climb. It's up a fire trail, dubbed Siphon’s ugly cousin, and it to connects to the Pipeline Track. Stride out the next 7km on this comparatively flat and smooth track (just watch the occasional root!) to Fern Tree Bower, then it's uphill through a ferny gully with an old water supply race (that's a water channel) to Silver Falls. Continue along the Silver Falls trail to the classic Fern Glade track down to Fern Tree and the aid station.

 Fern Tree to runHub | 7.1km | 150m ↑ | 470m ↓ |  Map

This one is for those who like all the glory that comes with crossing the finish line! And it’s also perfect for history buff runners. Heading down the Pipeline Track past a couple of century old stone arches supporting the water pipeline, you’ll turn in at Halls saddle. Past an old quarry, and zigzagging up (check out the view of the organ pipes!), then down a short single track through silver peppermint forest around Chimney Pot hill. Cross the road and back down on to the pipeline track to the old stairs down Gentle Annie Falls. You’re now in Waterworks Reserve and will take the single track around the dam that supplies drinking water to Hobart. Zig then zag gently up the last hill to Huon Rd, then bomb down rough steep tracks to Cascade paddocks, the home straight, and the finish line and runHub! Enjoy the recovery area with hearty food and drinks available for purchase including some classic Tasmanian beverages.

Each leg is a challenge and an epic achievement in its own right!
Download leg descriptions

Course video (2022)

3D Fly through


The Ultra solo is suitable for experienced trail runners and previous race experience will be needed for qualification - click here for qualifying run info.

Minimum 18yrs age, unless by exception and with parent/guardian consent; contact:

Mandatory gear list


This course is a beast and one of the toughest in Australia for its distance. You climb and descend almost 4,000m - equivalent of 3.3 times up and down kunanyi/Mt Wellington - on often steep and technical tracks, that are also in alpine areas. For your safety and the enjoyment of all, the ultra solo event is for experienced trail runners.

Everyone has until 6th March to complete run qualifiers. If you are not fit enough to complete by then, have a crack at the 25km – it is a very serious run for its distance also! Exceptions to the run qualifiers will only be made in very extenuating circumstances at the sole discretion of the event organisers.

Yes there is, please refer to our Junior Runner Registration Policies

No, go for it!

Whilst perhaps possible, it is very unlikely due to the steep and technical nature of the tracks and trails, and time resupplying at aid stations.

Yes absolutely! There will be random spot checks on course, and at the finish line. Anyone found without an item of mandatory gear will not be able to continue until they have all mandatory gear. Penalties or even disqualification in rare circumstances may be applied.

kunanyi pinnacle is typically 10 degrees cooler than the city.

Cut off times are designed to be fair and reasonable for all including slower runners. If your departure from the aid station is after the cut off time, you (and your team) will unfortunately be unable to continue in the event for safety reasons. Please see logistics section on this page for cut off times.

Check out the course on the Capra App for best spectator locations.

No, there are toilets at the runHub and each aid station to use. If you must go to the toilet on course, leave your run pack on the side of the track so sweepers do not leave you behind, dig a 15cm deep hole and fully bury, or carry out all waste.

Water, electrolytes, fruit, lollies, salty snacks, toilets, first aid, sunscreen, phone charging, sanitary products, toilets and drop bags if required (Myrtle Forest and Cathedral only), and of course, friendly volunteers!

Yes, please see logistics section on this page.

Statistically, March is pretty much the most stable weather month of the year. But this is Tassie, and every few years or so it does snow on kunanyi on Christmas day - so be prepared for wild weather! The mandatory gear is specified for your safety. We will be providing some more guidance prior to the event on when and why to use the mandatory gear to keep you as safe as possible. We also have a professional wilderness event medical and emergency response team and first aiders at all aid stations and roving on course to assist you if required. There are extreme weather circumstances which would postpone the event, eg, extreme or catastrophic bushfire danger (Wellington Park is then completely closed to everyone), or Severe Weather Warning for damaging winds – no one wants a tree falling on them. Emergency services will be involved in all such decisions, and you will be notified at earliest opportunity of any course changes, or event postponements – which may be very late notice.

Not likely, and how cool is running in snow! Even if is a blizzard at the pinnacle, it’s likely that the runs will still go ahead, but would likely be re-routed to avoid alpine areas, and you will be notified at earliest opportunity of any changes.

If you need more info to enable you to register then please let us know! If you would like more info to prepare for your kunanyi run, we will be producing a detailed Festival Booklet ahead of the event – if your question can’t wait that long then no worries, go ahead and reach out here!


Please see the logistics table below for information on distances, times, aid stations, support crew accessibility and drop bag options:

Leg Section Leg km Cumulative km Ascent Descent Cut off Avg time
1 runHub (Wellesley Park)
12.1km 12.1km 1,320m 180m 11.00am 2:00-2:20
2 Pinnacle
Myrtle Forest
12.0km 24.1km 320m 1,040m 1.30pm 1:30-2:00
3 Myrtle Forest
Mountain River
12.4km 36.5km 570m 930m 4.00pm 1:50-2:10
4 Mountain River
11.0km 47.5km 920m 840m 7.30pm 2:20-3:10
5a Cathedral
Fern Tree
11.8km 58.7km 490m 310m 10.00pm 1:50-2:10
5b Fern Tree
runHub (Wellesley Park)
7.1km 65.9km 150m 470m 12.00am 1:00-1:30
5 Cathedral
runHub (Wellesley Park)
18.9km 65.9km 640m 780m 12.00am 2:50-3:40
Key: Aid station Drop bag Additional support crew access 3,770m 3,770m 10:30-13:20

We care about your safety whilst out there – check out the MANDATORY GEAR LIST here

kMR Ultra Profile

Download profile   Full logisitics table

Course map