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Registration Policies

Juniors policy

We welcome runners and walkers of (almost) all ages! All of our events require self-sufficiency out on the trails and being comfortable in the bush. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure the junior has the fitness, bush skills and confidence to complete the run or walk safely.

Race Minimum Age Parent/Guardian Requirement
Ultra solo
Alpine Marathon
16 Any runner under 18 is required to have a Responsible Adult enter and run with them
Ultra Relay 14 Any runner under 16 is required to have a Responsible Adult enter and run with them
Mountain Run 15 Any runner under 18 is required to have a Responsible Adult enter and run with them
Mountain Walk 14 Any runner under 16 is required to have a Responsible Adult enter and walk with them
Vertical Downhill 14 Any runner under 16 is required to have a Responsible Adult enter and run with them
Foothills 10 Any runner under 16 is required to have a Responsible Adult enter and run with them

·  All runners/walkers under 18 require parent/guardian consent

·  All minimum ages are as of the kMR run date

·  The Responsible Adult running/walking with Junior participants must be authorised by the parent/guardian, and will receive a 50% discount on registration fee. Please email to request a code for the 50% discount.

·  If your junior runner is younger than the minimum age, and they’re super keen, capable, and confident to run on rough trails in remote bushland, then please send an email to with a description of their skills and experience to demonstrate why they’re suitable to participate, and the parent/guardian’s contact details so our Run Director can discuss suitability prior to approving (or not), their registration.

Pregnancy & Birth Policy:

1.  Women who have entered a kunanyi Mountain Run event and are, or become, pregnant prior to race day can defer their entry for up to three years.

2.  Woman who fall pregnant again during the deferral period may request another deferral for up to an additional 3 years.

3.  Partners are also able to defer for one year if the birth is imminent.

4.  To defer, please email with medical certificate of the pregnancy/birth

5.  All other rules and requirements for race entry will apply, including having valid qualifiers.

Ultra Solo and Alpine Marathon Run Qualifiers

The Ultra solo and Alpine Marathon are suitable for experienced trail runners and previous running experience is required for qualification. Runners must have completed either of the following running qualifications in the past 3yrs (since 1 January 2022):

Ultra Solo qualifier option 1

A minimum 50km trail run with minimum 1,350m elevation (eg, Gone Nuts 50 or Kosciusko 50km) in no more than:

  • 12.5min/km for men
  • 14.5min/km for women
Ultra Solo qualifier option 2

A road marathon in no more than:

  • 6hr for women
  • 5hr for men

AND a mainly single track trail run of minimum 19km and 700m elevation (eg, Triple Top) in no more than:

  • 12.5min/km for men
  • 14.5min/km for women
Alpine Marathon qualifier

A mainly single track alpine trail run of minimum 19km and 700m elevation (eg, Triple Top), with minimum 3km above 1,000m elevation OR on exposed ridgelines (eg, Montagu Thumbs) or rock scrambling in no more than:

  • 12.5min/km for men
  • 14.5min/km for women


  • Qualifying run times are total elapsed time (including breaks).
  • Qualifying runs must be easily verifiable online and they can be races or personal adventures but must be recorded on strava or similar and viewable by our team (adjust privacy settings accordingly please).
  • Extremely difficult trail runs which are not reasonably able to be done at the prescribed pace may also be considered, eg. Overland Track.
  • If you don’t have qualifiers yet, you can still register, you just need to have qualifiers completed before 6th March 2025.
  • All Ultra/Alpine marathon runners qualifiers will be assessed and approved by the Run Director or delegate. The Run Director retains the right to not approve any person for any reason.

Qualification process:

1.  Register and submit web links to your qualifier(s) in the registration questions section, or advise “to be completed prior to 6 March”

2.  The kMR team will evaluate within a couple of weeks and update your Event Plus profile with approval – you can log back into Event Plus to check at any time

3.  If you need to know if approved asap, please email and we can prioritise

Transfer & withdrawal initiated by the runner

If you are unable to participate in the event you’re registered in for any reason, the options available are:

1. Transfer to a different distance

2. Transfer your registration to someone else

3. Withdraw from the event (see refund policy details below)

If a runner misses payment of final instalment by the due date, this constitutes a runner initiated withdrawal and the refund policy below apply’s. If you need a little more time to pay then let us know and we can support you in that.


Runners can request to transfer their entry to a different distance run up until that event is sold out or you can go on the wait list. The difference in entry fees will not be refunded for transferring to a shorter run, and the difference in entry fees and a $30 transfer admin fee will be payable within one week to confirm your entry.

If you’ve signed up to kMR 2025 run prior to 1 September 2024 and you decide you would rather run the Alpine Marathon, we’ll be waiving the transfer fee. You’ll need to pay the difference if your original entry is less, or we’ll refund the difference in the entry fee if your original fee was higher.

To request a transfer from one race distance to another, email the race organiser at


Runners can transfer their entry to someone else for the event you are registered in via the registration system at   

Transfer admin fees (including fees and taxes) are as follows:

  • $30 for the Ultra (solo & team relay), Alpine Marathon, Mountain Run, Mountain Walk and VD
  • $15 for the Foothills 9km

To transfer an entry to someone else:

·  The original runner must log in to their EventPlus account, select Transfer Registration and follow the prompts.

·  The new runner will be sent a link to complete the registration and will need to pay the transfer fee in order to complete the transfer within one week.

·  It is up to the original and new runners to organise transfer of the entry fee between themselves.


Entry fee refunds are available as outlined below only. After these dates, entry fees are non-refundable for withdrawals initiated by the runner.

Any requests for a refund must be notified via email at

Entry fee refund Request deadline


8pm AEDT 2 January 2025


8pm AEDT 1 February 2025


8pm AEDT 1 March 2025

Refunds for runner withdrawals are not available after 8pm AEDT 1 March 2025.  If you decide to withdraw at the event, please communicate this to run registration staff at the runHub.


If the event cannot be held on the scheduled dates due to a force majeure events such as severe weather warning for damaging winds, bushfire, a pandemic outbreak, etc, or any other reason, we will reschedule the event for a later date and notify runners as early as possible of the reschedule. In this case, your event registration will be automatically transferred to the new event date. If you are unable to attend the rescheduled event date, you can defer your entry to either of the following two years.

kunanyi Mountain Run Code of Conduct

All kMR runs will take you across land that is owned and managed by public and private landholders. We are guests on all these trails, and we are sharing them with you, so your correct and good behaviour on the course is critical for us to continue in future, and for the sport of trail running to prosper. All runners and their supporters must always adhere to this Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may lead to you or your runner being potentially disqualified and banned from future events.

Your Safety

1. Your entry into the Ultra Solo or Alpine Marathon is dependent on you qualifying for that event.  These qualifiers as to ensure your ability to complete the course safely.  Runners in other events are also expected to have trained on terrain that is similar to that which you will experience during the run.

2. You are responsible for completing sufficient training (physical, mental, hydration & nutrition) to prepare you your kMR run. You must ensure that, on event day, you are sufficiently fit and healthy to complete your kMR run within the official cut-off times.

3. Both before starting and during your kMR run, you must monitor your own health and well-being and withdraw if you feel you are no longer fit enough to continue safely.

4. Likewise, kMR staff and volunteers will visually monitor the wellbeing of runners and direct you to withdraw if they consider it unsafe for you to continue. Whilst ultimately, responsibility for your health and safety remains with you, kMR has a duty of care.

5. If you are directed to withdraw by a kMR volunteer or staff, or rangers or emergency services, for any reason, you must comply.

6. If you witness another runner in any form of distress, please stop and help them and remain with them, if required, until help arrives. Where possible, the time it takes to assist another runner will be deducted from your total completion time, and we will give you a 30% discount on next year’s event for the same or lesser distance.

7. Please be familiar with what to do in an emergency, including having all the relevant phone numbers easily accessible in your phone before starting the run. Rescue may be difficult and slow to arrive on some parts of the course so you must do all that you can to avoid the need for rescue including, but not limited to, adequate run training (physical, mental, hydration & nutrition), following all instructions and information supplied and watching out for fellow runners.

8. If you are fortunate enough to come close to any wildlife, including snakes, give them a wide berth, try to remain still until they pass and keep your movements slow and unthreatening. The wildlife will likely leave the area quickly and you can then continue safely.

9. You must always carry all your mandatory gear on course. It is there for your safety and all runners will be subjected to the same minimum standards. Random gear checks will be conducted on course and at the finish line.

10. If you withdraw from the event, either at a designated aid station or on course between aid stations, you must notify a course marshal or a volunteer at an aid station. Any costs incurred from search and rescue operations that arise because of your failure to withdraw officially may be passed on to you.

11. The use of headphones is strongly discouraged. However, if you choose to use them, they must not impair your ability to hear instructions, calls for help, warnings or the sound of others approaching from behind or ahead – ie, they must be open ear headphones.

12. In ear headphones are not permitted. You must not be wearing any headphones when running on or crossing public roads, or when running down Zigzag Track in the Mountain Run.

13. If you miss your cut off time, we will make sure you get back to the runHub safely. The quickest way back will often be with your support crew, friends, or family.

Social Responsibility

1. Volunteers and Event staff must be treated with respect and their directions always followed. Any individual who is rude, abusive or wilfully ignoring the request of these individuals may be disqualified from the run and may be banned from entering future Trail Ventures events.

2. Fellow runners must also be treated with respect. Demonstrations of poor sportsmanship such as verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.

3. All trails and paths will be open to the public and must be shared. Allow members of the public to pass safely and offer a smile, nod and friendly ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’. If you are approaching from behind, offer plenty of warning with a friendly call and slow to a walk whenever passing others on the trail.

4. Please be considerate of the residents around our start and finish areas as well as all checkpoints. Follow road rules, park only in designated areas and keep noise to a minimum as you pass to and from these points.

Environmental Responsibility

1. Littering will not be tolerated from any individual. Anyone seen to be dropping litter of any kind may be immediately disqualified. There will be bins at each aid station if you wish to remove any litter that you have created during the run from your pack.

2. Participants found damaging or vandalising any part of the course will be disqualified. This includes damage to natural elements such as trees, creeks, rocks etc.

3. You are to always remain on the marked paths. Do not go off-trail, take short-cuts or trespass on private property outside of the course. If you accidentally find yourself off course, return to the last known point of the course and continue from there.

4. Creek crossings must be completed at the marked entry and exit points only. If you feel it is unsafe to cross, perhaps due to a sudden change in the weather, please discuss with a course marshal or call the kMR hotline or emergency number for further instructions, or return to the last point that you had reception and call the kMR team from there. Do not make the decision to cross at a different point as this may be more dangerous or may cause damage to the environment.

5. There will be toilets available at the runHub and aid stations, there is no toilet at the VK start. If you absolutely cannot wait until you reach the next toilet, ensure you bury any waste that you create in a hole 15-20cm deep, at least 100m from the nearest water source and/or path. Carry out anything that will not decompose such as used sanitary products.

6. Dogs are not permitted on many sections of the course including any of the private property. For the safety of all participants, kMR crew and members of the public, please avoid bringing dogs into any of the aid stations and follow Wellington Park rules. Dogs are welcome at the runHub.

7. Smoking is not permitted at the runHub, aid stations, or any parts of the course.

8. Obey all signage and written instructions, as well as the instructions of any Rangers, or Council staff that you encounter while on course.

9. All runners must completely clean all soil of shoes and other gear prior to arriving at the event.

Support Crew and Spectators

1. Support crew and spectators (“Supporters”) must adhere to all relevant items in the Code of Conduct and Rules. Failure to do so may lead to the person they are supporting being penalised or disqualified.

2. Supporters are permitted to cheer from any points of the course that are accessible to the public but may only offer assistance to runners from within the designated areas of the aid stations.

3. Supporters must follow all road rules, speed limits and other laws, regulations and official instructions of the areas they pass through.

4. Where relevant, Supporters must use the designated event parking areas and not park on public roads, in public carparks or similar.

Run Rules

1.  Runners must complete the event course on foot.

2.  Pacers, support crews and non-official participants are not permitted to run with or pace event runners. 

3.  Runners must compete under their own names. No one else can wear your bib in the event. 

4.  Trekking poles are permitted.

5.  Run numbers must be visible and clearly read at all times on the front of your belly or chest. You must not fold, cut or change your race number in any way. 

6.  Access to private property is granted only during the event. Entry any other time is trespassing.

7.  Checkpoint cut-off times will be strictly applied and runners must withdraw from the race if cut-offs times are missed.

8.  Participants must obey all course marshal and landowners directions which may include course diversions or shortening due to extreme weather.

9. All switchbacks must be fully run, shortcuts are not permitted.

10. Aid of any kind including picking up or dropping off gear can only be provided within 100m of aid stations.

11. Drop bags and the items within them remain the responsibility of the runner at all times.

12. Performance enhancing drugs are prohibited and runners may be required to satisfy the World Anti-Doping Code and the QUARTZ Event Program. Prohibited substances and methods can be found under the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority.

13. Breaking any of the rules, or Code of Conduct, may incur a time penalty, disqualification or pre-race withdrawal. Any such penalties are at the organisers’ discretion and are final. 

14. We reserve the right to alter or amend the run courses from the routes published for safety or change of landowner requirements, or any other reason. We will notify you as soon as possible of a potential or actual change. In extreme cases such as during extreme or catastrophic bushfire danger, the runs may be postponed.

15. These rules, the Code of Conduct, and the registration policies may be amended from time to time.